Manza: Blanket Testing For Gen. Population Not Realistic |
Tue, April 21, 2020 |
Now, most regular folks, would just say, don't worry about symptoms; just do blanket testing of as much of the population as possible. Manzanero said today that is not feasible:
Dr. Marvin Manzanero, Director of Health Services
"Will countrywide random testing be carried out countrywide to identify positive that are asymptomatic. We are reviewing that case definition. Of course as I've said we are not in a position to test everybody in the country. What we basically look for is frontline workers. We have been looking for healthcare workers for example who have flu-like symptoms, they have been swabbed, they have all been negative, even the ones that have been exposed have turned out to be negative. Some of them have been swabbed twice and they have still remain negative, so gradually they have gradually incorporated back into their work. For example, the staff that was exposed in the Cayo and Belmopan areas, most of those staff have gotten their 2 swab results, they are negative, they are symptomatic, they have gone back to their routine activities."