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Fuel Prices Still Not Coming Down
Wed, April 22, 2020

Last week we told you about pump prices for fuel - with word from the Financial Secretary Joe Waight that a sharp, even historic three dollar per gallon price decrease was coming any day now.  Well 6 days have come and gone since we spoke to the Fin. Sec. and there is still no letup in those pump prices.  

And even though the new shipment is already landed and loaded up at the PUMA Depot, it seems the old and much more expensive stock is taking a long time to finish.  That’s because the economy is at a virtual standstill and neither buses, nor company vehicles, nor personal vehicles are going anywhere.  Fuel stations report as much as a 70% decrease in the volume of sales.  So, they aren’t selling any gas, and, if the prices plunge dramatically when there’s still old stock in the tanks, there will be industry-wide losses. 

Fuel station owners receive a percentage of each gallon of gas sold, so when the price goes down - as it may, to around six dollars and change per gallon, it will cut their margins by about 30%.  Add to that the 70% loss in sale volume due to the economic slowdown and it could force some gas stations to close their doors.  

And, then there is also the government which is hurting for revenue, and when the price goes down, they also collect less tax.  

All these realities stand against the public’s interest in lower prices.  The Financial Secretary told us today, quote "the old stock still has not been exhausted but that should should occur in the near days ahead. We have no firm date yet (for a price decrease).â€￾ End quote.  

So, if you’re waiting to fill you tank with that cheaper gas, the only advice we can give you is to keep cooling your heels and your wheels at home, you’re gonna be waiting a while longer.

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