DHS Urges Continued Caution with COVID Negative Cases |
Wed, April 29, 2020 |
Tonight, Belize continues to be COVID free. Up to last night there were only 7 active cases, and 9 recovered. Today on Ask The Experts, Dr. Marvin Manzanero said that those recovered cases still have to be monitored:
Dr. Marvin Manzanero, DHS
"Seeing the infographic from yesterday where we have 9 recovered cases, 7 patients that are still considered to be active. But I want to touch also that in discussions with the team earlier today that recovered notion is something that we need to be very careful about, because we say somebody has recovered when you have 2 negative covid-19 tests, but we want to make sure that people are not going to have any further viral shedding, so eventually we will have to come back to these persons and reswab them again. You will note also that it's been 16-17 days since we last announce the last 4 cases. We are in the process of reswabbing all of these last 4 cases to see whether they have recovered or not. Our perception is that by Friday of this week we should be having 3-4 more persons out of those 7 recovered. All those patients that have been deemed to have recovered we need to understand that they still need to take the necessary precautions. They still need to be able to use a mask, use all the necessary precautions assuming that they can still be infecting others."