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Mexican Fishers Creep Out of Quarantine
Fri, May 15, 2020
Last night we told you about the three Mexicans who the Coast Guard found fishing in the Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve. They were caught early Thursday morning doing illegal fishing.

Now, it's an immigration offence, a fishing offence, a state of emergency violation, and of course, a COVID risk. So the men stood to be charged by Police, Immigration, Fisheries and processed by Health.

Of course, because they are from Xcalac Mexico, the first thing to do was quarantine and test them for COVID 19. For that, we are told they were sent to the ITVET building in Corozal which is a quarantine centre. We are also told that COVID tests were taken.

But, last night, reliable reports say the three of them escaped from the ITVET compound. Now, who is responsible? Well, everyone seems to be avoiding answering that question. Our reports say that the compound was secured by the BDF. But the commander, General Steven Ortega told us that usually only police deal with detained persons. The Commissioner of Police did not answer the media's request for information today.

But, reliable reports say the men have skipped. Back into Xcalac. But, to escape, they had to leave their boat behind.

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