No Mask? Cop Pulls Gun |
Fri, May 15, 2020 |
And, keeping it in the north, a rough encounter between the police and a young un-masked civilian in Guinea Grass village, Orange Walk has been generating facebook traffic today. It shows a police officer on motorbike trying to arrest the young man for the mask violation. But, the older man with him resisted - and then stepped towards the cop. Reflexively the police officer pulled his weapon, but did not fire it.
There's been a lot of debate about whether the show of force was justified but police say the only wrong doing the officer did is cruse.
They told CTV-3 "the drawing of the gun may not be considered unjustified because if he hadn't drawn, the confrontation could have gone further."
And, police have proceeded with charges against three family members - the unmannered young man, and two older persons who were with him. They were charged for State of Emergency offences, including resisting arrest and obstruction.