And while Public servants forego that increment the rest of us may be
forced to forego 2020's J'ouverts and road marches.
That’s because plans for September celebrations remain in limbo. Now,
the September season, like every major holiday touched by the pandemic
will likely be significantly scaled back.
And what happens to the colorful flashy costumes that would have
adorned the streets? Well they won’t get made. We heard from Belize’s
largest fabric retailer about how he’s preparing for a Soca free
Umesh Mahitani - Co-Owner, Mikado
"People always get the impression that people buy a lot of cloth for
carnival, which is not the case, people buy just a few yards and that
works for maybe 5, 6 people at the same time. So, that's one point I
need to get across, not a lot of fabric that sells during carnival time
but we do supply it and that now and I think we’re packing away because
from the invitation given by some of the members, that they probably
will not have carnival this year but if it is to be then, we're going
to pull it back out and sell the stuff at a discounted price."
N.I.C.H President Sapna Budhrani said that when it comes to Carnival no
final decision has yet been made.