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KHMH Returns To A (New) Normal
Wed, June 3, 2020
Yesterday the KHMH announced the re-opening of its suspended specialist clinics, but with a caveat: patients will now be accepted on an appointment-only basis, Adjustments have also been made to the hospital's COVID-time visitor's policy in order to match State of Emergency relaxations.

Moving forward General Hospital visiting hours will be from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm and 4pm to 6pm. Patients will be allowed one morning visitor and 3 evening visitors, one person at a time. A monumental change from April's strict visitor policy which limited vistor's to one relative at a time for the very young, elderly, or incapacitated.

Receipt or pick-up relatives upon discharge from the hospital should be done within prescribed visiting hours, 12:00noon to1:00pm and 4pm to 6pm.

Social distancing protocols including mandatory wearing of face masks, temperature checks upon entry, and the triaging of patients at nursing stations remain in place.

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