Yaya: Why Black Lives Matter Movement Is Relevant in Belize |
Tue, June 9, 2020 |
She's a seasoned activist having participated in countless protests against systemic injustices.
And this week she vowed to bring a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest to the gates of Belize's U.S. Embassy in Belmopan.
And Ya Ya Marin Coleman is far from alone, protests against systemic racial injustices were spurred globally over the last two weeks in the aftermath of the death of American citizen George Floyd.
Still, many Belizeans have questioned whether a protest in this context is relevant to our own homegrown challenges and whether police brutality here at home can be called racially biased. We spoke with Yaya today:
And while Yaya is all set, reports to us suggest that due to the State Of Emergency regulations Marin Coleman's protest will likely not be permitted.
As we understand it, the state of Emergency Regulations limit the purposes for which people can move around and assemble, and a protest or demonstration is not among those purposes. As fr as we know, it is also prohibited to assemble in front of the US Embassy.