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UB Faculty Wants Answers From Admin
Thu, July 2, 2020

Tonight, the faculty and staff of the University of Belize, represented by their union, are calling for a long and honest conversation with the University's President and Board. They want to talk about how UB will weather and survive the global economic crisis.

The Union is alleging that the President has not consulted them about the hard decisions to come over the coming weeks and months.

UB faculty and staff are concerned that they could face pay cuts, and possible lay-offs for redundancy. But without any information coming directly from the management, they are forced to wait, and hope that they aren't the ones who will be sent home.

And that's why the UB Faculty and Staff Union is publicly complaining that they shouldn't be kept in the dark because their members are the ones who will be directly affected.

Yesterday, the General Secretary and the President wrote a letter to the Board of Trustees demanding disclosure, as the bargaining agent for the faculty and staff members who they represent.

In that letter, the union says, quote, "the Board determined by a vote that the university was in a state of financial exigency. No effects on the employees of the university were indicated. This is unacceptable. It is clear that the President has from the beginning excluded the union from this process and in fact has not disclosed any financial information that would provide us with the ability to make an informed decision without any concrete information we are not in a position to support any recommendations or any suggestion of any kind which is tantamount to no transparency on the part of our employers." End quote.

This evening in Belmopan, the President of the Union spoke about their concerns:

Dr. Pio Saqui - President, UBFSU
"We all know we're in a pandemic, we all understand there is financial crisis globally, Belize is not immune to this, UB is not immune to this and we're expecting there are going to be some changes in the university and some of those changes will have to be done to ensure the survival of the university and that we can keep working and teaching and providing the services the university provides. We have already made so many communication to the president hoping for a professional amicable conversation where we can actually consulted, so we can take whatever measures necessary mutually, so that all parties involved can come out in a positive way and that we can take the least hit as possible. To date, that has not been able to happen, the president of the University of Belize has basically ignored and essentially disrespected the faculty and staff union. We have now asked the board of directors, the same demands we have asked the president, which is one, to invoke the protocol within the faculty and staff which is approved by the board, which speaks directly to engaging financial exigency or any kind of reorganisation of the university. We have two requests from the university president, which is provide us the financials. Let us look at the numbers together so that we can agree indeed there is a financial exigency. That financial exigency was declared 2 weeks ago by the board without proper consultation. We don't know what the financials of the university looks like. What we know for sure is the note from the financial secretary that indicates that there will be a cut in subvention but that is neither here nor there until we know how far we are from where we need to be in terms of finances. Today we understand that the university board of trustees is meeting, the meeting is ongoing right now, in which the president has made clear that he will present his plan to the board, we don't know what that plan is and we have written to the board, that we cannot agree to any plan unless we are fully informed and formally engaged in the proper process."

The Union has since called a press conference for tomorrow in Belmopan.

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