The Problem With Border Jumpers |
Tue, July 28, 2020 |
The media also asked the Minister of Health to comment on the persistent problem of border jumpers, who are bringing back the coronavirus to Belize with them.
Marin said that the jumpers need to consider that their actions can endanger Belize's public health:
Pablo Marin, Minister of Health
"When we see situations like what happened in Orange Walk area and we get frustrated and we have to do decisions that are strong by locking down certain areas. I heard the area representative Mai mentioned that we shouldn't do those things in the house, I think it is the essential thing to do for us to protect our people and whenever we do a lockdown its not because we want to, but we need to be able to map that area to see exactly who you are in contact with and from there we can say open that area again. We had the situation in Guinea Grass, we had 5 cases there, but when we realize where the person was, he was in a farm - it look like the daughter was in the Mexican side, so there wasn't so much contact so we didn't had to do any lockdown. We won't just do a lockdown just for - we would look at the evidence and we have our people giving us that advice and from there we take over. We have to protect our people and we are mentioning this over and over to everybody. I know some people do the contraband because they need. It is their means of money coming it but at this time we all have to be very cautions of what we are doing to protect the entire country of Belize."