Great Gladden Gets Ticket To Fly...All The Way Through UB
Thu, August 5, 2021
And in lighter news, 17-year-old Dennis Gladden knew from before he was
in high school he needed to apply for a scholarship to be able to
attend the University of Belize. The financial assistance was the most
important thing for him since his parents died when he was only
1-year-old and his grandma had to raise him in the heart of the Gaza.
But Gladden worked hard and managed to get the title of salutatorian at
Wesley College. And today, he finally got that scholarship.
The Social Security Board held their handing over ceremony today, where
the recipients of the scholarships signed their contracts. Courtney
Menzies was there and has this story.
The moment that 17-year-old Dennis Gladden has been waiting for since he
graduated arrived today after he received his full scholarship to the
University of Belize from the Social Security Board. While he was excited
to receive advice and electronics from everyone who reached out after
seeing his story, the scholarship was his main goal, and today he was
overcome with emotion.
Dennis Gladden - Scholarship Recipient, Associates
"I feel very happy and first of all I just want to thank SSB for this
opportunity. I feel very emotional, my first scholarship and I just have to
stay motivated and do what I do to make me happy."
Courtney Menzies
"So, this is a full scholarship for UB for the two years that you're going,
Dennis Gladden
"Wow, I didn't know that but it's a surprise and that's what you wish for,
or hoping, and I'm very glad for it and I know my grandmother will be happy
whenever I manage to tell her but she is not working so it will help her a
lot and I just have to be focused because I know this wonderful institution
will look after me and I just have to be focused like what I said."
Courtney Menzies
"How prepared do you feel, you got the scholarship, you recently got a
laptop and a cell phone, how do you feel going into your first semester at
Dennis Gladden
"Well, it's university, it's nothing like high school, and I understand
that. I've always been that person who… who is… Independent and I have
always used to doing my work without the reminder of someone and that's
what UB is all about. I'm very prepared. After this I have to speak to my
advisor so he can unlock my registration so I can pick or choose my class.
So it's a lot but you have to be willing to prepare yourself and just be
Now, he has a chance at that Associates Degree in Natural Resources
Management. And he plans to use the money he's earning at his job at The
Radisson to fund his transportation and food expenses, since he will be
travelling to Belmopan.
And just like him, 56 other recipients were excited to get this financial
assistance, something that they were thankful for, especially during the
Jaheam Gillett - Scholarship Recipient, Bachelor's
"I feel overwhelmed, blessed, I'm very grateful for this opportunity to
continue my education to pursue a bachelor's degree."
Courtney Menzies
"You were confident that with your grades and performance in school, you
were going to get it?"
Jaheam Gillett "Absolutely."
Courtney Menzies
"What are your sights after- I know you have your Bachelor's set, what are
you looking at beyond that?"
Jaheam Gillett
"Well, I must continue, this Is just the beginning and I'm hoping for the
best and after I finish my Bachelor's Degree I will go for my Master's
Courtney Menzies
"How tough was it, school, UB, University, and being in a pandemic having
to do certain things online?"
Jaheam Gillett
"Well, I just recently graduated from SJCJC where I pursued an associate
degree and that's where I did all my online learning. It was really
challenging at first, the transition, you know already used to being in the
classroom with friends, teachers, and all of that and when it was time to
transition it was really challenging but I managed."
Jamir Clother - Scholarship Recipient, High School
"I feel great, I want to make my ma and this organization proud and to
excel in school."
Courtney Menzies "How confident were you that you would have received the scholarship?"
Jamir Clother "I was confident because my grades are great, they don't look bad."
Courtney Menzies "Is EP Yorke the institution you've wanted to go to for a long time?"
Jamir Clother "Yes ma'am."
Courtney Menzies "Why is that?"
Jamir Clother
"I think that's one of the best schools. I had to study hard because I
wanted this so I could go to high school and get a good education."
And the general manager at SSB, Chandra Cansino, said that this was the
year with the most applicants. While they couldn't have provided 300
scholarships, she explained that the selection process was a little
different this year.
Chandra Cansino - General Manager, Corporate Customer Relations, SSB
"This year I think we had our highest number of applicants, we had 350
applicants to the scholarship portal and out of those, we shortlisted 138
so that's the amount of interviews that we did and eventually we awarded 56
scholarship. They are full scholarships for the most part, I think in the
Bachelor category sometimes there's a little discrepancy in the quantum of
the scholarship and the actual tuition. But definitely the Associate and
the high school are full scholarships. I think like most scholarship
programs, we look at financial need and we look at grades. This year
however, we looked at financial need first and then grades second and you
know, sometimes we tend to shortlist the B's and just interview the A's, we
took a little different approach this year and we included the B's and the
And while going back to school in the time of COVID is a daunting task,
these students now have one less weight on their shoulders.