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A Requiem For Faber's Political Fortunes
Thu, January 27, 2022

On Tuesday night, Leader of the Opposition Patrick Faber walked off the Uncut set - but tonight reports say he is in the USA - taking a break from the political pressure cooker.

And, he's no doubt putting into context what he calls a "setback" in his political career. But, is this latest domestic crisis and all that it has brought for Faber really just a setback, or is it fatal to his political career? Jules Vasquez looked for answers in the archive:

We first met him in the early 90's - then just a high schooler, even then Faber was a fiscalist:

Patrick Faber
"I don't think that they should spend any excess money, money that isn't necessary."

But from that time he was a UDP campaigner - working in Collett under Faith Babb.

And then 10 years later, he emerged, diminutive still, but whole - and was there ever a more promising candidate than Patrick Faber?

He was first elected In 2003 - the youngest ever to be elected to parliament - only 24 years old. And he did it in the always razor thin constituency of Collett.

Faber, formidable politician that he is, has turned that into a stronghold - that alone is testament to his competence and staying power.

And from 2004, he already seemed like a capable understudy to Party Leader Dean Barrow - easy with words:

Hon. Patrick Faber
"All the selling of assets, corruption, crooked deals, new taxes, so we are out here telling this government we are not satisfied and they must do better."

And he also proved his mettle in the house where epic 11 minute rant like this one in 2007 showed that he was a fierce if, at times, unhinged debater:

Hon. Patrick Faber
"Do the right thing Madam Speaker! Do the right thing Madam Speaker! Do the right thing in this honorable house, you have done the wrong thing so many times, do the right thing, do the right thing Madam Speaker, do the right thing!"

But Faber was not just a loudmouth, he was ambitious and ascendant within his party.

In 2010 he was elected Chairman over John Saldivar. And in 2016 he was elected Deputy Leader - again over Saldivar. And in 2020 after a major loss in February, Faber bounced back to realize his lifetime dream by becoming leader in July.

But, from dream to nightmare, he led the UDP to its worst defeat in 20 years and took up the role as Leader of the Opposition.

A position he had to defend against a recall - based on a domestic incident only months later. And now, another domestic incident has forced Faber to step down.

Hon. Patrick Faber
"It is with a very heavy heart that I stand before you today to signal my departure as leader of the opposition in the house of representatives and leader of our great United Democratic Party. Both resignation to become effective in a few days on January 31st, 2022."

And while his exit from public life may be through these creaky wooden doors at our studio - we suspect that is only for now - Faber the fighter will be back.

From his teens, politics has been Faber's life's work - and the manic tenacity - the same one he displayed here - the same way he held on here is, we believe how he will hold on going forward - but for now, he's got to take an exit and take a break.

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