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The Belize Barrier Reef 10,000 Years Old, Can we Keep It For 10,000 More?
Mon, June 6, 2022
And that midterm report is a stark warning that the reef needs all the conservation it can get. Especially, as it enters into its 10,000th year.

On Friday, The Ministry of the Blue Economy organized a gala to celebrate the Belize Barrier Reef's birthday. But while birthdays are normally a joyous event, this one came with the reminder that the reef is in trouble, and only we can save it.

Courtney Menzies was there and has this story.

Pull out the candles and cake because the Belize Barrier Reef has just turned 10,000 years old.

And the Ministry of The Blue Economy celebrated with a "Night Under The Sea" themed gala.

And the reef's birthday party was complete was singing and dancing - and also reminders of how this great resource benefits the country.

Amanda Acosta, Executive Director, BAS
"Our World Heritage Site is also unique in its composition as it has seven protected areas within it."

"These seven locations were selected to be representative of the entire reef complex but yet they only represent 12% of the entire reef structure. But their ecology is also significant to us as well as their economics. Economics when we talk about employment, statistically, it is estimated that over half of Belize are supported through reef related tourism and fisheries. The annual economic contribution of reef related tourism fisheries and scientific research was estimated to be 15% of Belize's gross domestic product. In terms of coastal protection, coral reefs and mangroves provide coastal protection for up to 14% of Belize's population that lives along the coast."

But celebrating the barrier reef isn't enough - and the Minister of The Blue Economy emphasized the need to ensure that it survives for another ten thousands years.

Hon. Andre Perez, Minister of The Blue Economy
"We must truly ask ourselves also, what are the expectations of us as a people and a country in exchange for such an invaluable gift. Obviously our responsibility is as massive as this barrier reef."

"Our Ministry, over the past 18 months, has been deeply invested in working with our partners to prepare Belize's first ever national blue economy policy and strategy as well as our five year multi sectoral economic plan. These two important documents explicitly defines for us our vision and direction for our blue economy. They provide an integrated multi sectoral approach to development of Belize's Blue Economy through a transparent, participatory, enabling framework sensitive to sectoral needs and mandates."

And while we aren't able to clap to ten thousand, the preservation of the 185 mile reef is the best birthday gift - and it doesn't even need wrapping.

The event was sponsored by the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund, Pew Charitable Trust, Belize Tourism Industry Association and Belize MarFund.

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