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Central American Cocesna Reps Meet in Belize
Thu, September 8, 2022
The new radar for Belize featured prominently in today's COCESNA meetings, along with a discussion of the financials of the regional organization. Tomorrow, Minister of Civil Aviation Perez, will host his counterparts from the other five nations for day 2 of the discussions about matters connected to the shared Central American airspace.

We asked Minister Perez and the CEO of COCESNA to share a few details about the other topics on their agenda. Here's what they had to say:

Juan Carlos Travanino, Executive Director/CEO, COCESNA
"What COCESNA is all about, especially with the - we've been having here in Belize is basically we've been having 3 meetings, we've already had 2 meetings this morning, 1 which is the finance committee and also we're about to wrap up our audit committee as well that we are discussing. Tomorrow we are having the regional council which we will be having another group coming in from across the Central America to hold the 3rd. Which is the monthly council meeting they hold, and it is all relating to the discussion which is how to deal with the Aeronavigational services that COCESNA provides and supplies to the entire region."

Abner Andre Perez, Minister of the Blue Economy & Civil Aviation
"The highlight that we were discussing this morning especially in the finance committee is how to, especially when it comes to our finance and what is the investments that we've been having. As you know, we discussed as well about the recovery from the pandemic, and now that we have moved and have improved, our finances is always to improve technology and equipment and in particular with highlighted here from the CEOs is highlighting the announcement and of course the funds that have been secured which is to the tune of $8 million dollars to install for the first time ever. The primary radar is to be installed at the TGIA and this is also highly discussed in the audit committee, very important and obviously big news here for our country. In terms of Belize, obviously it is a ranking member of the COCESNA body which is a part of Central America. But, here hosting them which we rotate on a monthly basis, first of all I think Belize at this point in time is more at the forefront because previously we were just a member of the council but now for the first time ever and I was told recently, now that Belize has a seat in the finance committee which is a very important committee in the organization as it relates to the funding where now you clearly see that our country has representation within these big decisions were investments are going as it relates to this body. So, it is very important and I think we've made a big impact and certainly the relationship we've enjoyed with everybody there working together and being an integral part of the table is extremely important and I think that is a milestone we have done very quickly."

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