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50k In Tranches? Small Potatoes
Tue, November 29, 2022
And while indeed, Saldivar's fall is a cautionary tale for all politicians - who are known to accept large sums of money - as political donations from characters both sunny and shady.

That Saldivar did so from two convicted felons, Danny Mason and Lev Dermen is either a mark of exceptionally bad judgement or unbelievably bad luck.

Peyrefitte said the two 25 grand US dollar trances that Saldivar got from Dermen is "lee bit" in the vast scheme of political fundraising:

Michael Peyrefitte, Chairman, UDP
"The amount of money that he was receiving is small potatoes compare to what other people received in campaign financing. So it's not an issue in terms of the amount of money. That in itself is not an issue. What would be an issue is if you receive it in exchange for a favour, especially if that favour is illegal."

For the record, Saldivar has denied doing any favors in exchange for Dermen's donations.

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