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A Commuter's Road Rage
Fri, February 24, 2023
So while the Bus Association is trying to work with the Department of Transport to find an amicable way forward, who's even thinking about the commuters? These folks feel like they don't have any say - when they are the ones who suffer or benefit from the decisions by the transport board and the culture of public transport in Belize.

One such commuter is Cayo resident Lance Howard. We met him near the bus terminal today where he vented on the many perils and pitfalls of public transport which he knows from first hand experience:

Lance Howard, Angry Commuter
"I think it's nonsense they are talking, because what we need out there is not newer busses, what we need is more busses. When you get on the bus in Cayo, every single bus between Cayo and Belmopan is pack to brim. They have people standing up. Every time the conductor comes and tells you to move more to the back - they pick up more people. When the traffic man come and stop them, they go out and bribe the traffic man and they come back in the bus bragging...."

Jules Vasquez
"You are just saying that. Have you witnessed that? Bribes being paid?"

Lance Howard, Angry Commuter
"I will give you video of it right now. Conductor comes in and say we paid them off, that is why we move so fast. That's what the conductor comes to tell us."

Jules Vasquez
"And after they're stop, by this certainly the practice of standees is ceased, they ceased that practice?"

Lance Howard, Angry Commuter
"No, every day, every single day. Shaws is the worst. Shaws will have you in that bus, you will be right next to the door - they are cramming the door shut, they cant close it. You are in Shaws bus, that is what you are dealing with night after night."

Jules Vasquez
"You're trying to make generalizations out of isolated incidents."

Lance Howard, Angry Commuter
"Jules, I am riding this bus since 2015 almost every day."

Jules Vasquez
"What do you feel is the greatest problem facing commuters?"

Lance Howard, Angry Commuter
"You don't know when the bus coming, bus might broke down with you..."

Jules Vasquez
"What's the worst single bussing experience you've had?"

Lance Howard, Angry Commuter
"Easter 2016, we catch this Shaws bus in Belize City. Shaws bus always the problem, always the bad story is Shaws bus. The bus left terminal 7pm, kind of late already, the bus broke down at 8 miles. At Hattieville, another Shaws bus come the next way, run over somebody and that held up traffic for an hour. Now the Shaws bus is going through the back road to get out and got stuck in the mud. When they finally got out and heading back, it broke down at mile 21 - 26 around that area. By the time I reach Cayo it was 4 hours I'm on this bus."

Jules Vasquez
"Now you are here, let's say 8pm at night and the 2 busses are here; Shaws and Floralia, you already told me how you feel about Shaws, you have a nice fancy Floralia there and you have the good old reliable Shaws, which one would you take?"

Lance Howard, Angry Commuter
"The problem is I have to go to Cayo. Floralia doesn't go to Cayo. Floralia starts go to Cayo, I am catching that Floralia every day."

Jules Vasquez
"More money..."

Lance Howard, Angry Commuter
"I don't care."

We note that while Howard alleges bribery and other offenses, he had video evidence of every claim he made.

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