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PM Winds Up Debate Slinging Shots At Shyne
Fri, March 24, 2023
And right now, the House Meeting is still ongoing, but earlier this evening, the PM wrapped up the debate by responding to the comments made by the Opposition. But he also heavily criticized the Opposition Leader's speech, saying that it was aimless and lackluster.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Like the rest of us on this side, I would have expected that the leader of the opposition to have delivered an outstanding presentation. After all, the member from Mesopotamia never loses to remind us that won a Grammy, that he is an entertainer, that he is a rapper. He also admitted that it was this lifestyle as a young rapper that caused him to be incarcerated and that now he is a reformed man. Let me give him some other facts, because facts matter. The leader of the opposition referred to himself as a former entertainer, everyone listening would agree with him, except that for the former part, clearly he uses every opportunity to profile with the hip hop community in the US. That's all he is worried about - to get that Visa to go back to the States. Trouble is where this house is concerned he cannot come here to ply his trade. You don't come here to entertain, you come here to present your people and to do your job as the leader of the opposition."

"The leader of the opposition spoke of Hollywood, of his friends in Hollywood and that nin Hollywood and I quote what he said, "what you see is not what you get." Well after this budget his budget response it is also clear that in his case what you see is exactly what you get - nada."

"What we have seen of him as the leader of the opposition and what we have gotten from him is once again the same. A representative who was unprepared with ill-conceived pronouncements which resulted in a performance that was most unmemorable and lacksluster."

The PM also criticized Denise "Sista B" Barrow for missing yet another House Meeting.

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