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Chinese Couple Lands With Forged Permanent Residence Cards
Mon, March 27, 2023
On Friday, a couple from Fujian, China showed up at the Phillip Goldson International Airport with fake Belize Permanent Residence documents which they submitted to the Immigration Officer.

The documents bore the forged signature of the Director of Border Management & Immigration Service, Debra Baptists Estrada.

Today at their arraignment, 27 year old Tianming Chen and 33-year-old, Kai Lin appeared with attorney Arthur Saldivar who asked the court to grant his clients bail on the grounds that they entered Belize with their passport and their permit, which he says is valid. Saldivar said that both his clients have permanent residency and their permit, for which he provided their numbers and a receipt number to the court. Saldivar added that his clients are not a flight risk and if the court sees it fit, the court could require them to surrender their travel documents.

The Immigration Department objected, stressing that they entered Belize illegally with fake documents; they have no ties to Belize; and they are a very clear flight risk. After a 5 minute adjournment to consider both arguments, Magistrate Gordon denied them bail and remanded them to the Belize Central Prison until April 3, 2023.

Saldivar has already filed an application with the Higher Court for a writ of Habeas Corpus which is set for tomorrow.

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