Turning now to police news...
Three Deputy Commissioners of Police have been approved by the Security Services Commission; they are: DCP Richard Rosado, date of appointment, July 1st 2021; DCP Bart Jones, date of appointment July 1st 2022 and DCP Aaron Guzman, date of appointment November 1st 2022.
Based on the seniority attributed to dates of appointment in the public service, we thought that would make Rosado the first Deputy, but, yesterday in Belmopan, the COMPOL denied that any of them has seniority over the other:
"Has DCP Rosado been confirmed by the SSC and your new first deputy."
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I don't know about no first deputy, we have 3 deputies."
"Senior deputies."
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"We have 2 deputies who are of the same date of appointment."
"So there is no reports that maybe DCP Rosado is et to be your successor?"
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I don't know. It's a matter for the prime minister to decide. I was hoping that Jules will be though."