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Highest Honor From HOR: A Joint Sitting
Mon, April 3, 2023
And President Tsai had a packed schedule today in the Garden City - from meetings with Belize's government officials to a joint House Meeting, followed by lunch with the governor general, and a trip to Central Farm to check up on the Sheep and Goat Project. And soon, she will be dining with the prime minister at the Museum of Belize.

But this morning's events kicked off at 9am with a signing ceremony. Courtney Menzies was in Belmopan today and has this story.

President Tsai Ing-Wen spent her second day in Belize in the capital city of Belmopan, arriving at the Leigh Richardson Building just after 9am for a special signing ceremony.

After greeting the Minister of Foreign Affairs, President Tsai and Prime Minister John Briceno further solidified ties between Taiwan and Belize with the signing of the Technical Cooperation Framework Agreement. According to the PM, this agreement will see even more collaboration between the two countries.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"This agreement will serve to further establish cooperation programs in areas such as agriculture, forestry, technology, eduction, climate change, youth and women, health, tourism and other areas of mutual interest. Likewise, it is a reflections of the many projects our two countries are presently engaged in as we continue to strengthen our bilateral relations."

And the President Tsai showed her appreciation by handing over several thousand laptops to PM Briceno, which will go to deserving students.

Dr Tsai Ing Wen, President, Republic of China (Taiwan)
"Among the many areas of our bilateral cooperation, education is one of the most enduring and impactful. In the past few years, we have seen young Belizeans continue to apply for scholarships to study in Taiwan. I'm always heartened by how enthusiastic they are about education and recognize it's importance for one's future."

"In a moment when we mark the handover of 5,000 laptops with Prime Minister Briceno, I hope these laptops mark a difference to young Belizeans in their quest for knowledge and help them realize their educational aspirations."

The president and the prime minister, along with other governmental officials, then held a closed meeting inside the Sir Edney Cain building.

That meeting lasted about 30 minutes, before both President Tsai arrived at the National Assembly, where she joined the area representatives from both sides as well as the members of the Senate for a Special Joint Sitting of the House of Representatives.

Inside the chambers, PM Briceno emphasized the importance of Belize's friendship with Taiwan.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"At present, we enjoy strong and growing trade relations. Taiwan's humanitarian and economic assistance has assisted in the advancements of our development agenda and Taiwan continues to invest in our future. Today, hundreds of Belizean students are in Taiwan studying and receiving a first class tertiary and professional education. Among these are very talented young Belizean women, who surely will return to Belize with a renewed and enriched spirit, believing that women should and can become maximum leaders of their country."

"After all, they can ask for no better example than yourself, madam President. All the evidence shows that the Taiwanese people are benefitting from a strong and growing Taiwanese economy and expanded social safety net and greater opportunities for the marginalized people of Taiwan. The evidence shows that you are a nation of people who respect the rule of law and desire to live in peace on a cleaner and greener planet. We have also seen that the government and people of Taiwan have not just kept their prosperity for themselves, in fact, they have shared this prosperity with other including us here, in Belize."

"Today, we can be a force in the fight against climate change, against all forms of inequality and discrimination, and promote greater peace and security."

Following the PM's speech, the President spoke from the dais about the predicament Taiwan faces due to pressures from mainland China, and their struggles to establish autonomy in the international sphere.

Dr Tsai Ing-Wen, President, Republic of China (Taiwan)
"The people of Taiwan face constant threats and pressures from the neighbor on the other side of the Taiwan strip. Taiwan's relationship with democracies around the world have grown stronger in recent years. We continue to be excluded from participating in international organizations and serving as a productive member of the international community. From International forums to meetings held by international organizations such as United Nations, WHO, ICAO, but under the UNFCCC, Belize has helped give voice to the 23 million people of Taiwan. I want to say, thank you."

"Not only that, Belize continues to be Taiwan's strongest and most powerful advocate for our international participation. Moreover, last May, in this very chamber, your National Assembly members unanimously passed a motion to support Taiwan's participation in international organizations and a motion supporting democratic Taiwan was also passed a few days ago. On behalf of the people of Taiwan, I want to take this opportunity express our sincere gratitude to the government of Belize and all the members of the House and the Senate, your unwavering friendship and support means so much to us, thank you."

And Belize will be seeing more fruits of that friendship in the upcoming years with Taiwan's support. But one of the most significant projects that will come to fruition is a general hospital for San Pedro Town.

Dr Tsai Ing-Wen, President, Republic of China (Taiwan)
"Road upgrades will connect people from one region to one another, we are also working to bring clean water to rural areas. More importantly, in order to better the learning environment for Belize's next generation, we are supporting programs to buy nutritious food and internet access to schools. In addition, an upgrade to provide more comprehensive healthcare facilities for Belizean islands, the San Pedro General Hospital, will soon commence."

"Our efforts do not stop here. Through our joined women empowerment projects, Belizean women are able to receive vocational training and financial support to fulfill their entrepreneurial aspirations."

"Since the Taiwan-Belize Economic Cooperation Agreement took effect last January, Belizean exports to Taiwan in 2022 increased to 317 percent of the amount in 2021, that is 3.24 million US dollars. One such example is Marie Sharp's hot sauce, which is already very popular in Taiwan, and also one of my personal favorites."

"These projects, wide ranging in scope, a testament to our close cooperation and substantive contributions to Belizean society."

And while all members of the National Assembly could speak for hours about Taiwan's contributions to Belize's advancement, both the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House emphasized the significance of seeing three women leaders sitting at head of the chambers.

Carolyn Trench-Sandiford, President of the Senate
"Madam president, and I don't get to say that often, it was Marian Wright Edelman, founder and president of the Children's Defense Fund, who said and I quote, "You can't be what you can't see," thus, your presence in this honorable chamber provides hope and inspiration to our young girls and women, as they can see what they can be. In addition, just as your country provides hope and inspiration to our students who have lived there for they see what Belize can also be."

Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House
"Today is a very proud moment for all Belizeans because we welcome the first woman president of the Republic of China but in the National Assembly of Belize, it is the first time we have three women sitting on the dais."

"Your excellency, Dr Tsai Wen, it has been a distinct honor to have you address our parliament today and on behalf of the National Assembly of Belize, I say, "Xiexie.""

After the speeches, the prime minister presented President Tsai with the certificate of a resolution to support democratic Taiwan motion 2023, after which they posed for a photo op…. Before greeting the other members of the chambers.

The PM then walked with the President, where she shook hands with the Special Envoy for Women and Children, Rossana Briceno.

And President Tsai thanked Belize for its unwavering support, and praised the success of this visit - her second in 5 years.

Dr Tsai Ing-Wen, President, Republic of China (Taiwan)
"My visit to Belize has solidified my confidence that our relationship will continue to stand strong for decades to come."

Later in the news, we'll bring you more from today's portion of President Tsai's visit.

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