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Cross Country 1928 - 2023 - Who Will Win?
Wed, April 5, 2023
And in other news, cycling fans are waiting patiently for the annual Holy Saturday Cross Country Cycling Classic. It's a one day sporting event that is the most highly anticipated event for the Easter holiday.

And this year, the competition will be tough - almost 100 participants with more foreign riders than last year.

But according to the General Secretary of the Cycling Federation, the Belizean riders are in top shape and up for the challenge. He spoke to us about what riders and viewers can expect this Saturday.

Alan Auil, Gen. Sec., Cycling Federation of Belize
"The second year since, uh, we missed two years because of Covid. And, um, the planning has been hectic as usual. I think we expected it to be very hectic and, um, but it's going along, uh, it's coming along and will be ready for Holy Saturday. Uh, cross country, you know, is the biggest one day sporting, in Belize, we like to think that apart from elections, it, it's the biggest turnout of crowds that we have in Belize."

"I think the whole nation is looking forward to it. It is, um, also we'll have a lot of foreign competition on Saturday, so the local boys will definitely be tested. We have, uh, I think at least 15 foreign riders, good high quality foreign riders in the race. And just, uh, as a matter of reference, last year we had only six. And so it'll be a step up in, um, competition, the same level, but more this year. And so, but our boys have also reached a higher level this year. So the locals, the local racers are, you know, our Belizeans are racing better than they did last year, so, hopefully they are up to the challenge."

Courtney Menzies:
"How many riders are there in all?"

Alan Auil, Gen. Sec., Cycling Federation of Belize
"We, we are expecting about 95 to a hundred, somewhere in that range. We believe it'll be about 75 or 80 of them being Ians. Uh, we could get more if we get some last minute entries from the neighboring Quintana Roo or Peten area. We allow, uh, what we call border town athletes from only from those states, uh, Quintana Roo in Mexico and Peten and Guatemala to come in without, basically without prior invitation."

"First place this year will be the largest that has ever been given as a first place prize in cross country. Actually twice as much as we gave last year. It'll be 10,000 Belize dollars, um, plus a trophy. Uh, so that, that's the first place prize. And then the, the station prizes are still coming in. Actually, I don't want to guess, but I'm sure we're over 50 station prizes already, and the station prizes alone amounts to, uh, 30, $40,000. So there is a lot of cash on the road."

The race starts at 6:00 am on Saturday at the BTL Park and after a 144 mile round trip to Cayo it ends there about 5 hours and 40 minutes later.

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