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Land Clinic Goes To Port Loyola
Wed, May 24, 2023
Land, it's the single biggest tool for wealth building and simultaneously the thing that many Belizeans can't access.

But that wasn't the case in Port Loyola today where the Minister of Natural Resources, at the invitation of area rep Gilroy Usher held the first southside Land Clinic.

7News was there and caught up with the Minister as well as three excited new land owners, all of whom said they had a very long road to get here.

Cordel Hyde, Minister Of Natural Resources
"As you know we have traversed all over the country from North to South East to West but we haven't been on the Southside, we have saved the best for last and we are starting in Port Loyola because Mr. Gilroy has been very very determined to have us here and so we are glad to be here mein. We're taking care of some issues for people that get back in one instance 35 years. A family lived on the land or lives on the land on Penn road for, from the 1980's and have not been able to get the land surveyed have not been able to get any kind of papers os we are in the process of getting that done for them, thankfully, we have another instance where, um, a lady deceased left the land and they have been creating all kinds of problems for the mother, sorry the daughter to get the land um, as it turns out it's a lease land and the lease has expired for so long so that that daughter could have applied for that land some time ago, um, because there is no one else applying for it objecting or enquiring. So, um, it's those kinds of issues we are dealing with in addition to people applying for their purchase prices and their lease approvals and land certificates."

Delda Franklin, Applied For Land
"I'm a retired teacher, taught for 40 years , I own my house in Coral Groove and I'm trying to get my title for years and years. I am now retired. I have 3 children and I don't know what is God's plan for me. I wouldn't want to have war with my children when I retire. I want to really put things in place for them. So thats the reason why I want to thank Hon. Gilroy Usher for affording me the opportunity to be here and I'm hoping - I came with a positive mind, something I prayed about and you know things never happen before time. I think that this is my time and I think I will get my documents."

Joseph Torres, Belizean Land Owner
"The issue that brought me here today is that I have been up and down in Belmopan and I am working with the government, but it's very hard to get your documents here. I don't own any piece of land in Belize and I am finally trying to get my documents together. I did the application, I did the fulling of the land, fencing it and I did some real development, because as you know Belize is a swamp ground. But so far, I am seeing progress. Every Belizean looks forward to own a piece of this paradise and you really cherish when you own a piece of Belize."

Christopher McCoy, Applied For Land
"I put in all the necessary effort to be here with my wife because we really needed a piece of land and thank God, you know, most, thank God and thanks to the area representative Mr Usher, I have seen how hard he has been trying for us and things have been happening, you know, he has been helping us in this area, in the port Loyola area and I and my wife are so grateful for it, we are finally getting our piece of land we got our paper today and you know we can finally say we own a piece of our country, thanks as I said earlier, thanks to the honourable Gilroy Usher, we finally have something where we could say we when we move on you know, we own a piece of our country we can finally rest at night and say we have something that is ours."

"It changes things for me because, me and my family because we can look at you know bigger things now, we can start thinking of ways now how we can build our dream house on our land because we have a land now. We can now, well I always wanted a nice big house so my next, my next big move now is to think if how, you know I can utilize what I get and make it become a long-time dream make it become a reality and a possibility, you know it's already a possibility but now I have to make it become a reality. I can think of ways now to build my dream home."

Minster Hyde says that weekly land Clinics are held at the lands department in Belmopan on Mondays.

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