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Shyne Stresses Dredging Is A Part Of Portico
Wed, May 31, 2023
And while Party Leader Barrow and former first Deputy Contreras aren't on talking terms, Barrow won't stop talking about Portico. For months he has maintained that it's the favored Cruise Port of the Briceno Administration - while the Cruise Port that Shyne Barrow favors is Waterloo. That was rejected by NEAC because of the risks associated with the high volume of dredging 7.5 million cubic meters of fill so close to the reef. Well, Portico plans to do even more, and it has a dredging company as its partner. Barrow commented on that yesterday:

Shyne Barrow, UDP Leader
"One of the biggest partners in this operation, in this partnership is the biggest dredging company in the world, so please explain to me how is it that Waterloo was disallowed for environmental concerns, but you have Portico passed all environmental thresholds and their biggest investor is the biggest dredging company in the world."

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