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Machete Man Attacks Students in School
Thu, June 1, 2023
Yesterday’s school day at Ladyville Technical High had a violent start after a machete wielding man strode onto campus and attacked three students. Fortunately, the students weren’t injured, and they fought back...

Yesterday's school day at Ladyville Technical High had a violent start after a machete wielding man strode onto campus and attacked three students. Fortunately, the students weren't injured, and they fought back with metal chairs. But the situation could have been a lot worse if a nearby teacher hadn't stepped in and detained the attacker. Courtney Menzies has a look at the student-shot videos that were taken as the chaos erupted. Here is that story.

Ladyville Technical Students were alarmed yesterday morning when this man wielding a machete stormed onto their compound. He marched up to a group of boys and they have a stare down.

Two of the three students were armed with metal chairs, watching as the man - later identified as 20-year-old Jimmy Humberto Quintanilla - waved the machete around. Then, Quintanilla strikes, grabbing one of the students by their throat. The other student with the metal chair immediately sprung into action, hitting the man in the head while the other student struggled to get out of his grasp. The other student continued striking him with the chair, while others threw punches. Eventually, they got him into a headlock, but he still clung doggedly to the machete.

The fighting continued and Quintanilla eventually lost the machete. But the chairs were still being flung and he also picked one up and chased after a student. The student hit him with his chair, and Quintanilla throws the other one, missing.

That's when a teacher in a red shirt appeared, breaking up the fight. He told the students to back away, while trying to restrain Quintanilla.

He managed to get Quintanilla on the ground and held his arms, though he struggled to get out. The police were called, and Quintanilla was detained.

Later, it was discovered that he is a resident of Franks Eddy Village who was hired by a private contractor working for the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing to fix the chain link fence of the compound directly attached to Ladyville Technical High School.

Both the ministry and the police are conducting investigations into this matter.

We later learnt that the private contractor subcontracted someone else, who then hired a team of men, so the initial contractor did not know Quintanilla.

When we reached out to the school, they explained that they would not be able to comment at this time.

We also contacted the CEO in the Ministry of Education, who - up to news time - has not responded.

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