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Hard Talk In HOR Escalates To Barroom Threats
Fri, June 16, 2023
Today's House of Representatives meeting was 5 hours long, and it wasn't short of insults, outbursts, and constant "point of order" interruptions. Fireworks went off less than an hour into the meeting as the fiery topic of the definitive agreement was being discussed. But the most explosive moment was when the Leader of the Opposition got into a back and forth with area rep for Pickstock, Anthony Mahler. The argument climaxed when Barrow told Mahler quote, "You wah punch me like you punch Kareem?"

The insinuation of violence had the Speaker of the House calling for a five minute recess, during which the arguing continued. Here are the moments after Barrow's outburst.

Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House
"I am going to... this house is on recess for the 5 minutes."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Get up and do it right now."

Anthony Mahler, PUP Pickstock
"Meet me outside."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Nobody no di stop yuh, no police no deh een ya."

"You rich right now, you could afford it, nobody noh di stop you."

"I da noh Kareem Musa, why you mek di man puunch your brother and you no do nothing?"

And you'll hear more about Barrow's account of this moment later in the news.

But how did we get here? Well, the meeting began, as usual, with questions to the ministers, during which Barrow asked the PM why his ministry even brought the definitive agreement to the House. But of course, rather than give a straightforward answer, the PM went the roundabout way, unearthing information that he says implicates other members of the former UDP administration, who are also currently sitting members of the National Assembly. One of those persons is Senator Michael Peyrefitte, whom the PM claims had prior knowledge of the definitive agreement. Here's what he said in the House.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Madam speaker to point out or bring the truth about his chairman knew nothing about the definitive agreement, here is an email on…"

"Where he said on June the 1st of 2020 where David Morales wrote to the minister, the AG, he was the attorney general at that time, he said good day minister, I trust you have been keeping safe. I have been instructed by Mr David Gegg to forward the attached document, the same definitive agreement that he claims he does not know. The same definitive agreement, we have the emails. We will be grateful for you to acknowledge receipt of this email, have a good evening, kind regards, David S Morales, his same law partner."

"He collected money for this agreement through his law firm, but he will wash his hands."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Point of order."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"What is the point of order?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"The honorable Michael Peyrefitte is a member of National Assembly so you should not be imputing those improper motives on a member of the National Assembly, you are unsuitable to be prime minister if you don't know your standing orders."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"The thing is that the chairman of the UDP Mr Michael Peyrefitte cannot deny that he was an active partner in this law firm, and I encourage the media to go and check."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Madam speaker again on a point of order."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"What is the point!?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"You are imputing improper motives..."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"What did I say?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"The Senator already said that according to the law, he divested himself from his law firm. You are saying that is not true and that is imputing improper motives. Bring a substantive motion if you want to impute improper motives on the senator."

Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House
"Leader of the opposition....."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"I can speak as long as I want."

Anthony Mahler, PUP Pickstock
"You better shut your mouth."

Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House
"Members, members...."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"You try it bad man..."

Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House
"Clerk of parliament, I am going to... this house is on recess for the 5 minutes."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Get up and do it right now."

Anthony Mahler, PUP Pickstock
"Meet me outside."

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