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Faber Claims Nepotism In Ladyville Bus Battle
Wed, July 5, 2023
And in other news, on June 16th, Ladyville resident, Patrick Faber, called out the government - and specifically the area rep - for what he says is nepotism within the public transportation sector. According to him, Serrano's Bus Line has been sacked to make room for Central Transit Service, which is operated by Dolores Balderamos' driver - who doubles as the chairman of the village.

Faber spoke about the matter on the adjournment, saying that the residents are not happy with the change, and called on both the Minister of Transport and the area rep to rectify the issue.

Patrick Faber, Area Rep. Collet
"I don't ride the public transportation, but I hope that the minister of transport can look into a situation that is boiling over in Ladyville where apparently there is some cronyism going on. The current chairman of Ladyville, one Bernardo Bennett who I am told is the member from Belize Rural Central's driver has been awarded the transportation contract for the area under Central Transit or Transport or something. This is wrong. This is nepotism. It is serious cronyism. This man who has been awarded this contract is the sitting PUP chairman of Ladyville and he doesn't like it. The busses that pass up and down has his name on it. I mean come on. It's not even like it is hidden. Its blatant and all the residents of Ladyville - In fact they are looking to have a protest on Sunday I'm told, because the busses from what I am told keep breaking down and I see them on the road as well. I drive up and down to Lord's Bank. Its a problem and so I would hope that the minister of transport doesn't get up and say that this has been done with his blessing and I hope that he will look out to make sure that this situation is rectified."

"Is there a tender process? How did you come up with this man to give him the contract other than the blatant naked fact that he is a PUP faithful, the driver of the minister and the Ladyville Village council chair. I would want to hear what criteria was used and I'd want us to follow proper criteria to make sure that those busses are comfortable and safe for our people. I pass the bus this morning coming to the national assembly. The back of it has a finger stick and this for the haters and his name is on the front. That kind of thing to the Ladyville people. I'm telling you what I experience, what I've seen. So I'm hoping that both my friend from Belize Rural Central and the transport minister from Stann Creek West will address this matter before it gets out of hand. The people of Ladyville and Lord's Bank are not happy about this situation."

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