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Serrano's Devotee's Demonstrate
Tue, July 11, 2023
We told you about their protests in Ladyville last week - and, today the very devoted customers of Serrano's Bus Service made their presence known in Belmopan with a protest in the seat of power. The Ladyville locals are demonstrating against the transport board's decision not to renew Serrano's bus operations permits. It's a long way to go for a village bus, and Jomarie Lanza went there to ask them why:

Serrano Bus Line's die hard supporters took to the stairs of the National Assembly this morning clamouring on behalf of the bus line. This is in response to the Transport Department's decision not to renew Serrano's bus operations permit.

The decision stems from numerous reports of infractions by Serrano's. And while the Department has a duty to uphold and enforce the regulations, just over a dozen of Serrano's most faithful commuters went all the way to the seat of power in Belmopan to say "that can't fly", given Serrano's many years of service and commitment to them.

They say Serrano's has faithfully served the people of Ladyville and surrounding communities for more than 9 years:

Emily Gabourel, Protestor
"We come here, we're from Ladyville Milpa, Japan, Perez Road, and Vista Del Mar. We want the area rep to hear that we need back Serrano We didn't come out here off politics. This is us, we want back our Serrano run. Serrano the run for 9 years back of Milpa and all ah them place, location. So when the other bus them never want come we use to have to walk out way by puma gas station to catch the bus. Now them can't do this to we, we want back we Serrano run."

"We have lots of people that wanted to come but they are working but we are here for the voice of the people of Ladyville, Milpa, Japan, Perez road, and Vista Del Mar."

"This is not political we come out ya because we love we Serrano and we want we Serrano we wa dead fi we Serrano."

Serrano's years of long-standing service in these communities has surely garnered the loyalty and support from its commuters. One mother says that losing Serrano's means losing an effective mode of transport for her and her special needs son.

Yvette Dubson, Protestor
"Why now they want to take this man off the run and this man was efficient for all of us. Me have my special needs son ya some days me can't go, me can't go and take him to school and thing. Me could pay my bus man them and they will drop my son at school for me safe and sound and come back safe and sound. So why will I refuse to let my bus go just like that i can't let my bus go just like that."

The Ministry of Transport is on the other side of those emotional arguments. The Ministry of Transport remains in its preliminary stages of reforming the transport system. This essentially places them in the position to make the tough choices that some commuters may not agree with. Serrano's loyalists believe that the transport board's decision was politically motivated. CEO Adele Catzim disagrees.

Adele Catzim-Sanchez, CEO, Ministry of Transport
"I would say that there's so many infractions that it would be hard to just have a political angle on this. I mean over the years there's evidence that has come to the Transport board showing that Serranos company did not follow the rules and the regulations."

"So I think it's important to note that there wasn't any revocation of a permit, there's a non-renewal of a permit for the Serrano's bus company, and that decision was taken by the transport board, because there's been a number of infractions by that company for several years; but some of those if I could, may, maybe two of them it's physical altercations with other people, and then not sticking to the route and the time you know that was approved in the permits. And the ministry responsible for transport is in the process of reforming the system, because the public is asking us for better service."

"There might be some difficult decisions that people don't like because it does affect people's livelihoods but at the same time we do have as the government the responsibility for looking out for the interest of the consumers and that's the public, so come July 15th their permit will not be renewed."

By taking Serrano's off the road the department does not wish to disenfranchise anyone. CEO Catzim reiterates that they are not removing the bus routes, they are simply changing the service provider:

Adele Catzim-Sanchez, CEO, Ministry of Transport
"What I can say is that whatever routes the Serranos bus company had those routes will not be discontinued they will continue with another provider I know that there was probably some concern by the residents of that area that Serrano serves that perhaps if there was non-renewal of the contract of the permit they would not have those routes but what we have done is that we have looked at all the routes we've looked at what the company has been providing to the public and we can say that there should be no break in services that people are currently receiving it's just that they will be receiving it from another provider."

But that's not what these commuters want to hear - and they were willing to brave arrest for it.

They had no permit to protest and police went out to stop the illegal protest. But undaunted, the commuters maintain that they are willing to go all out to get back their bus run, even if it means protesting in front of the Prime Minister's home.

Yvette Dubson, Protestor
"We have to come out because at the end of the day we have to fight for our rights . We put those people there, we put those people there so how will you not want to listen to our voice. How will you not want to listen to our voice and we put you there? And we need this bus. Do you know how buses Serranos sends when school is open for the kids?"

Emily Gabourel, Protestor
"The Prime Minister says we have no talent. This is for the Prime Minister because we will go in front of your house too, we will go in front of your house to protest that is the next thing."

After July 15th Serrano's will NOT have a valid road service permit.

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