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Young Mother Killed, Daughter Injured
Mon, July 17, 2023
Tonight, two children from Plues Street find themselves orphans after a gunman fired a barrage of bullets into the bedroom they shared with their mother.

It left 23-year-old Jasmine Domingo fatally injured, and her four-year-old daughter at the KHMH suffering from a leg wound.

It's a shocking instance of street violence finding innocents in their own home, Cherisse Halsall has the story:

This is 23-year-old Jasmine Domingo's family home on Plues street. Around 3:00 this morning, someone shot through her bedroom window and opened fire on the bed, hitting 23 year old Jasmin multiple times to her midsection, and injuring her 4 year old daughter who lay down beside her.

Police precinct 1 headquarters are only two blocks away - the cops raced here and rushed her to the hospital, but by 3:30 am she was pronounced dead.

Her daughter was brought in shortly after with gunshot wounds to her leg.

Voice of: Somer Young, Sister Of the Deceased
"My sister yelled, Donna, because that is what we call our mom, I got shot. So me and my brother because we were both in the house at that moment, sleeping, and um, we ran to her room and when we ran to her room, we saw her laying on the bed with blood allover her and her kids because they were sleeping with her also and, um, I went to my mom's room and told her what was happening and then y brother went to seek assistance from the police, brought a mobile. When they came they took my sister because she was, she wasn't responding and my mom went with my sister. Moments after we found out that my niece, my four year old niece was also injured in the process so I took y niece because she didn't want to go to anyone else so I took her and we tried to see if we could get another mobile. But at the same time one came so I took my niece to the hospital and then we found out that you know moments later my sister passed."

And given the close range of the gunfire and the area of the home they shot at, the family has to believe that this was a hit on Jasmine.

Sommer Young, Sister Of the Deceased
"Well, the was how it all happen, yes I would say that she was the target because they could have gone anywhere in the house but they only went here by her bed. It was like the person knew where the bed was, and the person just started shooting and that is where my sister got injured."

Her sister believes it has to be connected to a police report Jasmine made

Sommer Young, Sister Of the Deceased
"When I went to the station the officer mentioned that she had made a report recently against a young man. I am not aware of what the report was about but that was what was told to me by the officer."

And while Jasmine's death comes as a shock to her family she'd been made to mourn the result of gun violence in 2021

Cherisse Halsall:
"The father of your sister's children was also gunned down not even two years ago, how are you seeing that for your niece and nephew to have to survive the death of both thier parents in this way, in such a short span of time?"

Sommer Young, Sister Of the Deceased
"It is really hard, it is really, really honestly hard especially knowing that they both died similarly, it's hard knowing that these innocent children would have to lose both parents to gun violence."

Indeed, the sudden killing of this 23-year-old young mother has rocked her family's very foundation leaving one of her aunts at loss for words.

Kareen Young Flowers, Aunt of the Deceased
"I wouldn't couldn't tell you the words that I felt when I heard it was my niece because she was so sweet, she was so, you know, she was so sweet, so young, so vibrant, you know, she had. A lot to live for. She was living for her two kids so I was totally totally, that came out of left field."

"I was shocked, very shocked, I was surprised, I couldn't tell you how I felt."

"She was a single mother for the start and she is, she has two beautiful kids that she loved very much. They were her world and she loved. Them very much, she, she, she. Just because of them she started to work and she wanted the best for them so she started to work at the chiney, and that is what I know about my niece. My niece was very vibrant, she, even on the rainy days, even when she was sad, she kept up, she she, kept the joy in her heart. She was always smiling she despite the circumstances. She, you know, she was always posting that she, you know although she was sad inside and things. She kept going due to her two kids and that was her, she was all for her two kids."

And now - those children are without a mother and a father - a family torn by the deep wound of violence.

And while the family feels Domingo was targeted - police say that the intended target in this morning's shooting seems to have been her brother - who is a known gang figure.

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