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Belize And UK Friends Forever Even If There’s No King
Wed, September 6, 2023
And Rutley also didn't have much to say on the possibility of Belize becoming a republic. You've heard the government talk about removing the queen's image from our currency notes, and there have been suggestions of removing the king as the head of state. Today Rutley said that the decision is in the hands of the Belizeans, and regardless of the outcome, the UK will still maintain a close partnership.

David Rutley, UK FM For Americas & Caribbean
"This is a matter for Belizeans as an independent country to make the decision. You've got a consultation on future constitution. That's an important debate and we look forward to seeing the outcome of that, but that's a decision for the people of Belize, whatever the outcome of those consultations and we wish you every success in determining how best to move that forward. We'll continue to have a very strong relationship, whatever the outcome for all the reasons we've talked about before. This is a very long and enduring relationship and whatever happens, we will continue to be strong partners and will continue to be part of the Commonwealth. So I think there's a positive way forward, whatever the outcome of your own internal conversations."

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