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Home Affairs Minister Says He’s Not Going There On Chester’s Side Gig
Fri, October 6, 2023
We've been putting Commissioner of Police Chester Williams in the hot seat for gun licenses over the past many months. But, when he recently revealed that he also sold a vehicle to Ricardo Borja in July of 2022 - right around the time Borja received 3 gun licenses in a span of days - it raised more than a few eyebrows.

But, his minister didn't even bat an eyelid. Today he told the press, he's not going there:

"What do you make of the current news that he sold Mr. Borja a vehicle and within that same period this man was able to get I think nine gun licenses?"

Kareem Musa, Minister of Police
"I'm not like you and Jules, Vijay to be trying to cast aspersions on anyone and I do not want to attract the kind of lawsuit that you and Jules are borderlining trying to attract."

"And so if you look at any public officer, I'm sure that many of them have businesses, many of them have secondary incomes and so you cannot then say that one is linked to the other. I have not seen any link in relation to the two things and so I'm not going to make a comment that cast that type of aspersions that you all are doing."

"No, I just ask what to think about him having a business while in office."

Kareem Musa, Minister of Police
"Like I said many public officers, many police officers have a business, so I don't see anything wrong with that."

For the record, Commissioner Williams has stated that he has adhered to all requirements by the FIU to be a licensed car dealer. That is required under the Money laundering and Terrorism Prevention Act.

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