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PSU To SSB: Invest In Rum? Really?
Thu, November 16, 2023
Tonight the Public Service Union of Belize is joining the chorus of those who oppose the Belize Social Security Board’s proposed 9 million dollar loan to Belize Premium Spirits & Liquors Ltd for the construction of a new distillery. The PSU says that putting workers’ money into a rum distillery is, quote, “not only morally bankrupt but also socially irresponsible.”...

Tonight the Public Service Union of Belize is joining the chorus of those who oppose the Belize Social Security Board's proposed 9 million dollar loan to Belize Premium Spirits & Liquors Ltd for the construction of a new distillery.

The PSU says that putting workers' money into a rum distillery is, quote, "not only morally bankrupt but also socially irresponsible." They add, quote, "While investments should yield financial returns to aid in the long-term sustainability of the fund, we must also ensure that there is a social return that positively impacts people and the environment. The PSU does not support any investment that will be to the detriment of and at a high cost to the health and well-being of Belizean workers and their families….Whether the Board wishes to accept it or not, Belize is faced with an alcohol consumption crisis and a deplorable public health system that cannot respond to the needs of those affected by alcohol abuse."

And while Social Security has said that the rum is strictly for the export market - the PSU says that is, quote, "not only humorous but an insult to the intelligence of the Belizean people."

The PSU is calling on the Social Security Board to rethink what it calls an irresponsible investment.

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