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Oops, He Did It Again
Wed, December 6, 2023
And the prime minister had to jet from a special Cabinet meeting in the City to the airport to attend the ceremony. With his busy morning, it left little time to prepare a speech. And maybe that's why he seemed to be rambling a bit at the podium, jumping from advising Goodell to ditch the suit and tie, to his trip to Tijuana, to not being able to keep track of his minister, and even Belize's "well trained sharks" that are, apparently, only allowed to attack the locals.

It was quite the speech, lasting 15 minutes, but we decided to show you our highlight reel - with a few added sound effects to celebrate the Prime Minister's odd musings:

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Have you listened to this, I'm going to tell a little bit about my age, Phil Collins, No Jacket Required, that album? It's an epic album. Fantastic album. You need to listen so next time you come you do not bring a jacket or else I'll have Immigration tell you that you cannot come in. You know, roll sleeves or a guayabera and you are fine."

"When you look at Central America, presently Belize is just that haven of democracy, you have problems in Guatemala, and I hope that they can work that out, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua is a basket case. I'm sorry, if there's anyone from Nicaragua."

"Captain Smith, I kinda feel sorry for you, the growing up in PG, the white boy in PG, I could imagine how that was. I mean, you still remember your Kriol right? That must be quite an interesting experience that you had, maybe you could have gotten away in the islands, but PG?"

"We're so proud of you, you're from PG, really? [applause] I'm not in any way suggesting that people from PG aren't smart, because you know they just clip certain things that you say and they just twist it around."

"I took off a few days to kind of take a break in Tijuana in Mexico in Rancho La Puerta and believe it or not I knew no one there so for a whole day I spoke to no one so I told my wife, you know I haven't spoken to anybody because I don't know anyone in this place but two days later I met a group of ladies and of course my wife was happy because they were all the golden girl so she knew I was in good hands."

"Our Minister of Tourism, Anthony Mahler, just disappears, and I'm wondering where on Earth is this man and he is flying all over the place and whenever I call him, I say, where are you? He said, I'm talking to these airlines, trying to get more of these airlines to come to Belize, one of the important ones is how we can have a direct flight to New York and all along I thought he was just going on these junkets, having fun."

"And of course we can talk about the rice and beans that we have with fry plantain, stew chicken and salad. Potato salad though by the way, not the leaf, potato salad."

"Different ethnicities come to Belize and within a generation they done start to mix up, you know you have Creole, the Hispanics, and even the Chinese and the Indians from India, for a few generations they tried to keep to themselves but trust me right, those young boys are looking for Belizean girls, they're not waiting for anything else."

"A few months ago I had to privilege to be able to do a flyover, looking at the different marine reserves and when you go over those atolls, there are four atolls in the Western Hemisphere and this is something I just learnt, just imagine. Three of them are in Belize and they're incredibly, incredibly beautiful."

"From the helicopter I took a picture of a hammerhead shark in the water, and by the way, the sharks in Belize are well trained, they don't eat white people, so you're safe, unlike in other countries so please come. We have trained them that when they're really hungry, they might could eat a Belizean, but not the white people. Unlike what has happened unfortunately in The Bahamas, that's serious."

"We welcome you in Belize and no jacket required, no tie required, by the way I still have to look at YouTube when I'm going to put my tie on when I go abroad because I never use a tie."

Note to whoever has the Prime Minister's name in the Cabinet KK…A clip on tie, for sure.

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