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Caneros Block Highway Demanding GOB Solve Cane Crisis
Tue, January 2, 2024
Tonight, tensions have reached a boiling point in the north - and at this hour the Phillip Goldson Highway at Buena Vista village is blocked.

Cane farmers blocked it at around 2:40 this afternoon and three and a half hours later it remains blocked. To be clear, this is the Phillip Goldson Highway in front of the SIRDI facility which is at mile 67.

This action came after the cane farmers - who still have no commercial agreement with ASR/BSI - had a general membership meeting on the SIRDI compound.

They did so to get consensus on the way forward - after negotiations - facilitated directly by the Prime Minister fell through.

And so tonight, the farmers who are members of the BSCFA are using the highway as leverage - though at this time it is unclear what they hope to get out of it.

Our team of JoMarie Lanza and Brian Castillo have been on the ground in Buena Vista all day - and they remain there tonight, waiting to see when the road will be cleared. JoMarie joins me live now:

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