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Charged For Throwing Dynamite Into Police Booth
Wed, January 10, 2024
To the dismay of gods everywhere, setting off so called "dynamite" or "cuetes" are a big part of the December festivities in Belize, but one young man allegedly did it to menace the cops.

While on duty near the Kraal Road Police Booth on Christmas Eve, two female police officers had cautioned a group of males to stop bursting dynamite within the area, just 20 feet away from the police booth. Moments after a GI-3 mobile passing in the area also warned the group of men and just after leaving, one of the individuals lit and threw two dynamite explosives INTO the police booth where the female police officers were sitting. That individual was later identified as 22 year old Kareem Fisher, who was previously detained on charges for being a member of a gang.

Fisher appeared in court today before a senior magistrate and was read two counts of aggravated assault with firecrackers upon police officers.

He initially pleaded guilty but after the report was read out to him in court he changed his plea to not guilty after disagreeing with the details of the report. Fisher was granted bail of $2,000 plus one surety of the same amount. Fisher is expected to appear back in court on March 12th where he will be given disclosure.

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