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ComPol Condemns HOTP For Footage Of Accusers
Tue, January 23, 2024
And while the ComPol also mentioned that the police are still collecting evidence, he also condemned the social media news page affiliated with the accused attorney, which he said embarked on a smear campaign against the victims.

On Friday, we told you that Hot Off The Press posted surveillance footage from inside Thirsty Thursday, where the women were said to have met the attorney. HOTP did not blur their faces, and attempted to use the video to discredit them.

Today the ComPol said that that video does not negate the allegation of rape.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"The file is still with the Director of Public Prosecution. She had requested the police to do some further work. That work is being done and once those are completed, they will be sent back to her and hopefully we get a final determination from the DPP in respect to that matter but I must condemn what I saw on Hot Off The Press where the video was taken from Thirsty's and I don't understand why Thirsty's would give the video footage to anybody but that's a matter for them but I don't think that Hot Off The Press should have done what they did and again, as a society we must condemn those kinds of actions because the truth be told, the video footage that is shown there does not go to prove or disprove nothing but rather it was an effort merely as far as I can see to smear the characters of the women in that particular instance."

"Rape is a matter that is heard by a jury so if it is that the attorney is to be charged and the matter goes before the court, it is going to be heard by a jury. I don't know if those potential jurors would be influenced by what they may have seen in the public discourse, that's a matter yet to be seen so I cannot say."

Courtney Menzies:
"Sir you have a personal relationship with the person who is accused, you were a classmate of his in law school, do you think that in this case you should have recused yourself from the investigation?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Am I conducting the investigation? I am not. So I don't know what you are speaking about, me recusing myself, I have nothing to do with the investigation, the investigators recorded the statements, they communicated with the DPP and as I've said before, the matter is for the DPP, I'm not going to be the one to determine if or not the attorney will get charged. And I don't know why you say I have a personal relationship, I have been attacked on numerous occasions by that attorney."

Courtney Menzies:
"But then you make up back!"

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I am a forgiving human being, just like how your director always attack me, but he's my friend, right."

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