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Johnny Zabs Says Multi-Million Dollar Citrus Nursery Was An Epic Fail
Wed, February 7, 2024
But, as you might expect, Zabaneh had a whole lot to say about the state of his industry, and who's to blame for it.

He spared no contempt when he spoke about the ugly demise of the CGA's nursery project called plant world.

It was funded to the tune of millions of dollars but the demise in the industry and the decline of the Citrus Growers Association generally forced a foreclosure.

And today, the facility - once the pride of the CGA - stands in tatters.

Zabaneh gave us his view on it:

John Zabaneh, Citrus Farmer
"To keep them big fancy in nursery. Go look for the nursery right there at Red Bank. Go have a look at it. The association borrowed $6 million dollars and they got alot of aid from OIRSA for building that thing."

"Go look for it now. It worth the while to take a picture and post it up. Was that $6 million paid? What is the faith of that? Go look for it."

Jules Vasquez
"Nothing came out of it."

John Zabaneh, Citrus Farmer
"It's almost criminal. I was probably the only one that was against it. Because they wanted to sell shares. Again, what they wanted to do was to thief people money - go buy shares in a thing..."

"Go look at it. It's a shame, man."

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