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UDP Slate Led By Newcomer
Wed, February 21, 2024
And after the PUP completed their nominations, the UDP appeared in the afternoon with a number of new faces on their slate. Jomarie Lanza was there and here's what she reported.

Once things died down a bit at the Magistrates court this morning for the PUP crowd, in the afternoon, the UDP crowd came in.

Their mayoral candidate is newcomer Ricardo Acke, a former international referee for FIFA. He says that his decision to run for mayor all started when he began to travel abroad and visit other countries.

"I believe this is the first time that you've decided to step into the political scene what made you want to take this decision and run for mayor?"

Ricardo Acke, UDP Mayoral Candidate
"Yes indeed it was a heartfelt decision but indeed I took this step because many years since I've been growing and I've seen the different things that have happened and I say you know I give thanks to being an international FIFA referee which I was known for. And where I have traveled I've noticed how small communities can evolve. They don't need many things and I say man if I can at least bring those things to my home town to at least see Corozal flourish to a next level not the way we are behind. We always look for a way forward but we never and always step backwards and those are the things that have pushed and elevated me and I need to do something it's time for someone to change and make that step for us people to see we are seeing evolution now it's not like before because honestly and truly we have visited houses and the people always say the same things.its the same persons who come and the same things happen we change and nothing is done and I told them no we are bringing this and this is what we are bringing. New faces young people, dynamic energetic and willing to give everything they have to help Corozal."

Though Acke may not have been born and bred into the political scene his colleague Hugo Patt believes that this makes him the perfect candidate for mayor

"Mr Rick is new face he is not familiar on the political scene what are your thoughts about him?"

Hugo Patt, Area Representative, Corozal North
"That is a very good reason why Rick has every opportunity to make it to victory when it comes to the polls because Rick while he is not known to be a politically affiliated family he has been very very active in his community and so Rick is no new commer to the town of Corozal. In terms of politics yes and that just speaks that the UDP is able to bring to the people new blood that actually has no affiliation to politics and looking at those characteristics I think it is a perfect blend for Rick and his team to make it to victory march 6th."

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