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The Empire Strikes Back At Boots
Mon, February 26, 2024
In our first segment you heard recall petitioner Anthony Boots Martinez accuse the Governor General of breaking the law. Hours ago - we sent his comments to the Cabinet Secretary for a response and we got it 20 minutes ago.

It says, and we quote, "As part of the constitutional structure of our democracy, Her Excellency, the Governor General, is the representative of the Crown. ….Our laws further mandates that it is unlawful for any person to bring the Governor General in her official capacity into contempt, disrepute or disaffection.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with this, the fact remains that this is what the supreme law of the country and the laws of Belize commands.

Recent statements made by Anthony "Boots" Martinez to the media scandalizing and bringing Her Excellency into disrepute are unwarranted, unprecedented and unlawful.

The Cabinet has requested the Attorney General to provide advice on this matter." End quote.

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