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Twin Towns Turned Red
Thu, March 7, 2024
As you saw earlier, a blue wave washed across the north, but the western corridor is the UDP's stronghold.

And, San Ignacio/Santa Elena was the battleground, with the UDP hoping to return to form, and the PUP hoping to snuff them out in their stronghold.

In the end, it was the UDP that triumphed, securing 6 out of the 7 seats. Jomarie Lanza has a recap:

From above the streets of San Ignacio looked peaceful but on the ground it was all day warfare between the two political camps. When tensions flared as they often did throughout this western battleground.

It had been a divisive and destructive campaign and on Election Day both candidates seemed somewhat relieved that it would soon be over.

Earl Trapp, UDP Mayoral Candidate
"I must say that the morning started very slow. We see people trickling in and I would honestly love to see more people no, but I believe it is a part of the culture here in San Ignacio Santa Elena so I believe that after two Pm we are supposed to see a big outflow of people coming out to exercise their rights no so I believe this afternoon we should see more people. So far it has been slow but I am very much grateful to see many of the voters out here that had complimented me on the trail and I think we are looking good and so I think it is just a matter of time and waiting for six this evening."

Mathew Preston, PUP Mayoral candidate
"The nerves caught me this morning like around 7:00 but it was only a little and I'm fine now. We were hoping to try and meet and greet all the residents throughout the twin towns but this town has grown a lot just in the last twenty years ago compared to now. It's growing but I spoke to Many of the residents and my outreach to them is we are living in a new era and we need new ideas it's time to market San Ignacio Santa's Elena to the world. This town has a lot of potential."

And as counting started the agitation outside the gates increased between the rival camps but fortunately there was no real violence.

It was a close count and the UDP would not be assured of their victory until 1:30 in the morning when they finally had assured that they got six of the seven seats and the mayorship that's when their motorcade whipped through the town.

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