The love of reading begins at home - and Ecumenical Junior College demonstrated that to students by today highlighting Belizean authors and their inspirational works to launch an event they call Authors Week. Our own Jomarie Lanza was invited as a guest for her poetry and she did double duty and put together this story for us:
Every year Ecumenical Junior College's literacy programme highlights Authors' Week, by inviting Belizean authors to come and share their work and stories with the students. It ranges from poetry to spoken word and even textbook history, only this time the students were in control of the event and were given the responsibility of putting it together and inviting authors from outside of Dangriga. Their teacher, head of the Arts and General studies programme shared more with us today.
Desiree Nicasio Morgan, Head of Arts and General Studies, ECJ
"It's particularly for a literature course I teach literature and as one of their fault projects, the students were responsible to invite different authors from across the country. Last semester we had authors from Dangriga this time I challenged the students to invite somebody from outside of Dangriga which they actually did. What you saw here today was organized by the students. They kept me abreast of everything but they did everything they did the logistics they did the planning they did everything. And that is just a testament of the leadership skills we instill in our students at Stann Creek Ecumenical College."
Morgan says that she has a few aspiring writers in her group, and hopes that today's event will serve as a form of motivation for them to pursue careers in the writing field.
Desiree Nicasio Morgan, Head of Arts and General Studies, ECJ
"I actually have a few students who told me Ms I want to go and major English so it is something they will possibly pursue at the university of Belize. I am awaiting feedback on that so maybe two years from now I'll see what happens in regards to that."
"This event was actually one of our goals for the department which we planned at a department meeting and I did not plan this alone I did not develop it alone I had different Co teachers who assisted so we had Ms Ifasina we had a Mr Adrian Martinez we had Mr Frank Mena we have Mr Esteban Coye and Ms Denise Henry."
One of the invited guests, who is also a teacher, spoke with us about how sharing her creative side with her students is one of her many joys.
Ifasina Efunyemi, Lecturer, EJC
"I am always honored to share myself with my students and with my community and so I am glad that this is one of the other ways a creative way to share who I am and the gift that I have to give to the world. And I am really honored that the students saw that this was a fitting space for me to do that because most of them are accustomed to me just teaching them so I am the lecturer I am a strict one I am Knowledgeable about my content but they don't know so much of this creative side of me and so this event provided that opportunity and so for a lot of them they were very surprised. Especially with the poetry."
Ecumenical's Literacy programme comprises more than 2 dozen students. This was their final project of the semester.