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No Date Set For Toledo East Bi-Election
Thu, May 30, 2024
So , will the PUP do the same in Toledo? A bye election will soon have to be held to replace Mike Espat. But no date has been set - and the PM was keeping that card close to his chest today...

And, as any politician will tell you, the convergence of a national disaster like what we're seeing in Toledo West, and a national election like what we''' soon be seeing in Toledo East is an opportunity for the politicians to open the spigots, as they say.

The UDP turned it into an art in October of 2015, when a historic rain flooded Belize City.

So , will the PUP do the same in Toledo? A bye election will soon have to be held to replace Mike Espat. But no date has been set - and the PM was keeping that card close to his chest today:

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"I think that's something for me to decide. And when we do, you will find out. But it has to be done I think by the third week of July, so take a day."

"I'm just waiting for the- I'll be supporting the candidate of the choice of our supporters in Toledo East."

"There are three very good candidates that have expressed their interest in representing the PUP and the people of Toledo East."

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