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Minister Says Student Harasser Should Have Been Charged
Tue, June 4, 2024
And seeing all those students and law enforcement types having positive engagement at the open day, we thought back to that case last week in Corozal - where a driver trailed a young woman trying instantly to pick her up.

What exactly is classified as harassment? and more importantly how can it be a crime? When we spoke to the Compol yesterday about the case he told us that there was not sufficient reason for police to arrest and charge the man. But when we spoke to the minister of home affairs today he told us that these situations cannot be taken lightly.

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"I don't know the details of the report that was made by the young lady but we have to take it very seriously. We should take all reports of this nature extremely seriously because predators are all over the country and in insurances like this it is very important for pol or officers to be professional to be receptive of complaints of this nature because as we progress as you are aware we are having the implementation of the anti sexual harassment law. And so while it is that passing someone and saying get into my car or please come I'll take you for a ride while that might not seem like an offense on the face of it if it is that this individual has a tendency and a propensity to keep doing this and not only doing this but stalking individuals then by all means we have to take preventative action against individuals like this and so I'm hoping that the police officers like I said could be more receptive when it comes to complaints like this and to take action in a preventative way instead of waiting for something very very serious to happen."

"Do you believe that your officers should be sensitized as to how to address these matters and how to conduct these interrogations and these questionings? Because this individual also complained that some of the questions the officer asked her were very inappropriate like asking her if she had a boyfriend or if she is scared of men. Do you think that this is what hinders young women from wanting to come forward and speak out because they have a fear of being judged or they believe that they are going to berate them or guilt trip them essentially."

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"Yes absolutely Jomarie, we continue to train out officers all 2400 of our officers gets these types of training especially now with the new curriculum at the training academy and so to hear news that officers are asking inappropriate questions that is absolutely something that we need to look at and need to address quite fast and immediately so I will be speaking with the commissioner I am only hearing that from you now and I will be taking that issue up with the commissioner."

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