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Grant's Shooting Not Related To Land Fraud
Mon, June 17, 2024
But while the Minister did not want to say whether Grant's shooting was gang related, he did say it doesn't seem to be because of her land fraud charges.

Of course, we cannot forget that two prominent land agents, Ricardo Borja and Darren Taylor have been killed in the past few months - both possibly for land dealings.

Today Musa said the police are looking into another case of alleged land fraud involving prominent realtors on the Placencia Peninsula:

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"That is a second land fraud case that is on the radar of the Belize Police Department. I would have to get further particulars on that for you to see how in-depth of an investigation is being carried out but it is something that is being flagged, whether it has gotten to the point of individuals coming forward to give statements to the police I'm not sure but it is a matter that the police intends to investigate."

Courtney Menzies:
"What can you tell us about the targeting of Ms Grant, is she being targeted in the same way that Borja and the young man Dalla Coin was targeted as well?"

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"From the information that has been gathered in the investigation so far, that is not what the information is suggesting. It is considered to be, at this very early stage, considered to be a separate issue."

Courtney Menzies:
"Do you think it was a gang-related motive?"

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"I wouldn't want to say at this point in time."

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