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A Week To Celebrate Belize's Public Service
Tue, June 18, 2024
There are over fifteen thousand public servants employed across the various ministries in Belize, they make up the backbone of the government system and provide valuable services to citizens. Which is why they've been given more than just a day of recognition, this year they will be celebrating for a week. Here's what we learned at this morning's pride and health walk about all the activities that will be happening in light of Public service day.

Dawn Ayuso, Chairperson, Public Service Committee
"Public Service week is normally worldwide. It is a worldwide event and the public service day is June 23rd so we have a week of activities. Our week started yesterday the 17th. And it ends this Friday. The actual Public Service week is Sunday June 23rd however we have for the entire week, we have different events happening so yesterday we did the official ecumenical service where we did our church service at St John's Cathedral and again various public officers were invited and today we did the actual walk. And our walk started from d central health region compound through the streets of Belize ending here at the memorial park. Our theme for this years public service week is the Belize public service honoring our everyday heroes. Public servants and empowering communities enriching lives. So that is the theme we use for the entire week. This evening we will be having our feed the homeless drive and again all public officers are invited to do this. Different departments and ministries gave us donations and we go about distributing packages to feed the homeless so we are catering for 350 packages and this package will start at Central health region where we packaged them off and then we go distributing them through the streets of Belize City again so that starts this evening at 5:00."

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