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Big Names In Conservation Tell GOB Stop Deforestation In Reserve
Mon, June 24, 2024
Last week, we told you that the Manatee Forest Reserve was being illegally logged, contributing to the deforestation that intensified the flooding on the Coastal Road. But more than that, the reserve is necessary to connect the Maya Forest Corridor, from the Maya Mountain Massif to the northern portion of Selva Maya, so that wildlife can have a safe space to traverse the country. The Director of the Belize Zoo and the Maya Forest Corridor Trust explained that if the activity within the reserve doesn't stop, their work would be in vain, and it could have irreversible effects.

The Trust has now written an open letter to the Minister of Natural Resources, Cordel Hyde, and the Minister of Sustainable Development, Orlando Habet, expressing their concern. The letter is affixed with over a dozen signatures of leading conservation leaders and park managers. They state that, quote, "These activities are causing significant environmental damage and are being carried out seemingly unimpeded by the relevant authorities, without public knowledge or consultation with key stakeholders and in general contravention to our National Protected Areas law or international agreements such as Escazu." End quote.

The letter also says that the issuance of permits for surveying and land clearing within the existing protected area is a violation of Belize's laws. As such, they've requested that the government immediately halt all clearing activities within the reserve, as well as halt and reverse any issuance of land and any permits for surveying or clearing. They also want a thorough and transparent investigation into the land issuance and illegal encroachments in the reserve and publicly disclose the findings. finally, they want the government to initiate an open dialogue with local communities and conservation organizations to develop an act plan to further protect the Manatee Forest Reserve.

The letter ends by stating that the Trust is available to meet with the government at any time. We will be following up with the relevant ministers for a response.

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