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UDP Leader Explains Willoughby Removal
Tue, June 25, 2024
And turning now to the internal politics of the UDP - Barrow discussed the newly opened constituency in Port Loyola. Former standard bearer Phillip Willoughby was ejected by the party executive after it was learned that he married his opponent's daughter. We asked Barrow if former four term rep Boots Martinez is next up:

Jules Vasquez
"Do you have a candidate in mind for Port Loyola and is it Boots Martinez?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"No and no. I was just in Port Loyola, I showed you a picture with me of Ms. Thelma. I get food there sometime, you know, she's a UDP stalwart and a community figure that is beloved."

"And so we were talking, I was asking her how she felt and, you know, who she thought would be suitable to succeed Mr. Willoughby. And Ms. Thelma mentioned a few names, you know, those people will apply and the nominations committee will look at it and central executive and NPC will try to find the best candidate."

Jules Vasquez
"So you're saying that Ms. Thelma is making the decision or is steering you on which way to go in Port Loyola. That's what it seems to be saying."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"You, it's like Vasquez and Vasquez, right? Right? There's a difference. Come on. You want pay attention to nuance and you want reach. You are doing yoga right now, Stop it. I want the best candidate. I want the best candidate and I'm sure that my colleagues want the best candidate."

"We all want someone - Port Loyola is up for the taking. Gilroy Ushera is a weak candidate."

Jules Vasquez
"Would you be opposed to Boots Martinez applying?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Anybody could apply. That is not a decision for me to make. Anyone can apply."

Jules Vasquez
"Would you support his candidacy?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Anyone can apply and I will support whatever the recommendations of the nominations committee."

Jules Vasquez
"So you would not oppose a Boots Martinez candidacy?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"I am not going to interfere in the process of the nominations committee."

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