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Belize's Women's National Volleyball Team Prepares For 20th Central American Tournament
Thu, July 11, 2024
Belize’s U-21 National Women’s Team is gearing up to host another intense 4 day regional tournament where they will be competing against 4 other Central American nations...

Belize's U-21 National Women's Team is gearing up to host another intense 4 day regional tournament where they will be competing against 4 other Central American nations.

Jomarie Lanza met with the team last night and found out more about their preparations for this upcoming season.

The 20th U21 Women's Central American Volleyball Championship will be hosted in Belize this year, and the players are gearing up for the 4 day tournament.

Last night, we met the captain of this year's team, 20 year old Gareth Bruce who plays outside hitter, as the group met for a photo op session.

She says they are striving to not disappoint the fans this year.

Gareth Bruce, Captain, U21 National Team
"It's always a great opportunity to play for Belize and especially in front of the home crowd. The first time I played at home was in 2022 and that was an amazing experience as well until we lost our gold medal match to Guatemala on the last day. This year should be much more better and I feel like we are much more advanced as a team and I believe we will do well in this tournament."

"Your expectations for this year and what are some of the things that you are making changes to in your performance just to ensure that you do better out there this year."

Gareth Bruce, Captain, U21 National Team
"So my personal goal is to not get mad as fast when we are losing and to always keep my team motivated and remind them to always enjoy the game and another goal we have into get our first gold medal."

But getting the gold isn't as easy as it sounds, for 17 year old Nisaan Martinez she's been working her way up in the Volleyball ranks and says that her hard work and preparation has gotten her to where she has always aspired to be.

Nisaan Martinez, Opposite, U21
"I've been on the team several times but this is my second U21 national team."

"Ultimately I started off as a basketball player I played volleyball here and there but only during the summer time and eventually I came to the stars volleyball program and then i started working out during the summer, then I went to SCA and that allowed me to play throughout the year so that's what got me here because of the continuous training and the continuous effort to be at practice everyday."

"We've been having fun that's the most I can say and I expect us to do good. We've been training all year round it's definitely something we are looking forward to definitely expecting that first place and I can only expect good from myself and these ladies. We have tried so hard and we worked out so hard so I'm definitely having high expectations for us."

"Any particular games and matches you are looking forward to?"

Nisaan Martinez, Opposite, U21
"Of course the Guatemala game I mean thats the most fun in my opinion but also the most nerve wracking because a lot is on the line they bring a lot of energy and so does the other community and so does our audience so I'm really looking forward to that one."

The excitement is gearing up towards the well anticipated Guatemala match which is the tenth game on the schedule set for July 19th at 8:00pm. Head coach Nelissa Ramirez says that they are doing everything to get the girls ready.

Nelissa Ramirez, Assistant Coach, U21 team
"My expectation is really high with them because after the U23 that they went to Honduras and played they did pretty pretty well so majority of the players are from the U23 and they are playing now for the U21."

"What are some of the things that you've been doing differently this year to get them ready and to ensure that you guys see a positive result out of these games"

Nelissa Ramirez, Assistant Coach, U21 team
"Firstly it's discipline the first thing is the discipline and also just playing hard and playing smart and with high energy knowing we are playing at home we expect a lot of them."

"Any particular game or match that you guys are, I wouldn't say most concerned about but very eager and anticipate?"

Nelissa Ramirez, Assistant Coach, U21 team
"Well I would say Guatemala of course, Guatemala is one of the high rank teams and for the qualifications and stuff so I would say Guatemala. Costa Rica is not coming so we don't really got to worry about them as much."

But regardless of which country they are up against, the love and passion for the sport outweighs all the worry. Former U-19 coach of last year's female national team Jose Fuentes says that it's a beautiful struggle:

Jose Fuentes, Coach, U21 National Team
"Siempre va ser dificil para nosotros y para Guatemala es un juego de mucha fuerza mental siempre preparamos para nuestra jugadora para están listas, happy feliz y jugar con disposición y representar a la Belice. Tener la Belice en mi corazón con presión solo eso disfrutar por que es más que el competición es una batalla hermosa de jugar y representar a su pais. Gana o pierde alguien tiene que ganar alguien tiene que perder."

ENGLISH (It will always be difficult for us and for Guatemala it is a game of great mental strength. We always prepare our players to be ready, happy and play with willingness and represent Belize. I have Belize in my heart and the only pressure is to enjoy it because it is more than the competition, it is a beautiful battle to play and represent your country. Win or lose, someone has to win, someone has to lose.)

The opening ceremony for the games begins at 6:00PM on Tuesday July 16th

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