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Another Attack on a Public Hospital?
Tue, July 16, 2024
Today, news broke that another public hospital - this time the Southern Regional had come under attack by rogue relatives of a patient - and they allegedly ripped the emergency room door off its hinges.

The Ministry of Health and Wellness was quick to speak up on this one. They say that on Sunday July 14th the staff of the Accident and Emergency Unit responded to a road traffic accident that occurred just after 10:30 pm. They say that when they took the victims to the hospital, friends and relatives of the victims forcefully made their way into the unit's triage area, attempting to enter the emergency department.

The press release states, quote "To allow for staff to provide the required attention without unnecessary interruptions, the doors of the A&E were closed. Thereafter, a female voice was heard threatening to throw down the door if she/they were not allowed inside, this was accompanied with what sounded like banging on the door. The security personnel of the hospital were alerted and attempts to diffuse the situation were made but proved futile. The police were then called in."

This is the second security breach to occur at a hospital and the ministry claims that the pattern is, quote, "now being perceived as continuous aggressive and threatening behavior by the public towards medical staff, which cannot be countenanced."

But, a relative of the injured claims the allegations are false, and that they actually helped the security put the door back after it just fell off its hinges. We spoke to her via phone from Dangriga:

Voice of: Relative
"After everybody said their goodbyes we went back to the front and notice that one of the door one of the hinges fell out and one of the young man helped the security guard to put back the hinges nail back in the hinges and the door was fix. The door was closed, they opened the door."

"How did the door, did you see how the door fell off?"

Voice of: Relative
"The door fell off due to the numerous in and out the door was opened and it's an old door, so the hinges nail eventually just slipped out."

"Referring to the report from the ministry of health and wellness, they said that an angry mob, angry family members, members of the patients broke off the door and the window at the hospital."

Voice of: Relative
"I'd loved for them to show me the broken windows, because there is no windows where the emergency room is other than a slide window which was there."

"At first when the mother came, she banged on the door, because she wanted them to give answers, at least to go in and see her son. But the doctor came out and he advised that they are dealing with her son and you can't go in and see him, but they advised her that they have not dealt with him as yet."

"So what do you have to say about this report that was sent out? were you guys charged, did police investigated - what happened?"

Voice of: Relative
"We were not charged, because the allegations that they are saying is so false and it's defaming our character."

But, the Ministry of Health - already suffering a large black eye from the incident at the San Ignacio Community Hospital - holds to its position and advises the public that it is a serious offense to threaten a public officer in the course of duty.

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