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Civil Aviation Conference Closes
Wed, July 17, 2024
As we mentioned last week the twelfth North American, Central American and Caribbean Directors of Civil Aviation regional forum was held in Placencia, where over 20 countries participated in the discussions to advance aviation in the region. Here are the highlights of the event from the Director of Civil Aviation and The CEO who spoke about gender equality in aviation.

Nigel Carter, Director of Civil Aviation
"For these three days we have been discussing matters that are of mutual importance to the region. These include gender equality, sustainability in aviation how do we ensure more compliance with international standard and also we are discussing matters related to connectivity of aviation, that the outcomes of the meeting will be then transmitted to the IKO air navigation conference which will be held later on in August of this year and then in the IKO assembly which will be in 2005. Some of the outcomes that we are looking at so far include better methodologies that we can utilize to get youth and women more empowerment and give them more presence in aviation. In so far as connectivity we are looking at establishing initiatives that would include more dialogue at the technical as well as senior level as Well as political level so that the countries can have more discussion about how they can increase connectivity amongst and within the Caribbean region."

Kennedy Carillo, CEO Civil Aviation
"I think for me as the person that was the Chief Executive Officer for Civil aviation for about three years and a half and sat at the regional level as a director on the COCESNA board it gave me an opportunity as a woman to see first hand that indeed aviation is a male dominated sector but there are opportunities for women and especially women when we get the opportunities to be leadership level that we can look at how do we assist other women and how do we open the doors to other women, young women who are interested and how do we work with the ministry of education for example to start including discussions on aviation within the curriculum and making sure that Women young girls understand that this is also a field that they can be apart of I think for me it has been a tremendous experience having been to the COCESNA board level and now s the international civil aviation organization council candidate for Belize endorsed by all Central American countries to represent them in Montreal Canada next year 2025 I think for me it is a demonstration that indeed once the door is open women like myself can definetly take advantage."

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