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Allegation of LIU Paying Phantom Gangsters
Fri, July 19, 2024
Following Dawson's death, Dominique Noralez replaced him as chairperson of the LIU. In a recent edition of the Guardian Newspaper, they alleged that there was corruption happening within the program. That article states that checks are being processed for phantom members who no longer live in Belize, or those who are currently in prison. It also alleges that members have complained that when the checks are picked up by the gang leaders, they take a bite out of the money due to their members.

We asked the Minister about these allegations.

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"I've heard that allegation before and I carried out my checks with the director of the LIU and she said it's no such thing, but even to allay any such fears, recently I think about a month or two ago we partnered with DigiWallet and so each individual member on the work program has their own DigiWallet and so it goes directly to them and so there's no issue when it comes to that and of course it's just the usual mischief making by the Guardian Newspaper."

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